At Step Out Buffalo our mission is to help people love where they live by showcasing local businesses across Buffalo and Western New York.
One of the ways we do this is through our Deal Listings. Step Out Buffalo Deal Listings are listings submitted by businesses to provide information for our readers about any special deal the business currently has, including discounts, happy hours, coupons, sales, and specials.
Step Out Buffalo Deal Listings are a great way to drive traffic to your business’s physical location and/or website by offering new customers an exciting event or actionable deal to take advantage of. Submitted Deal Listings are featured on our website across a multitude of pages and based on the categories they fall into, including our Shop page, Lifestyle page, Beauty & Spa page, Fitness page, and Health & Wellness page.
How To Create A Deal Listing
Step Out Buffalo Deal Listings are free to list once you create an account and log onto our website.
The first step in creating a Deal Listing is to set up a free account on To set up an account you’ll be asked to input your name and email address and create a password.
Once your account is set up you will be able to create or claim Business, Event, Deal, and Community Update Listings. To do so, simply scroll to the bottom of the website when you are logged in. There you’ll find the options to List an Event, List a Business, List a Deal, and List a Community Update.
When you click on any of these options, you’ll be shown a list of fields to input information into. The more fields you fill out, the more helpful your listing will be. Adding as many applicable categories and tags as possible will help your listings be more discoverable and may get them placed on more articles and pages.
Promoted Deal Listings: What They Are & How They Work
For businesses looking to promote their deals further, we offer promotions of Deal Listings through our advertising packages. These promotions include:
- Boosted shares on our Facebook page
- Features in our email newsletter
- Spotlighted homepage and category features on our website
Interested in learning more about Step Out Buffalo advertising? Tap here!
Promoted Deal Listings: Where They’re Featured
Deals are included in many of our popular offerings, including our Shop Local packages. Inclusions will vary based on the package you purchase, but will include a combination of the following:
Step Out Buffalo Deals page
Your listing will be visible on our Step Out Buffalo Deals landing page once published. Deals will appear in order of when they were added and generally will expire in 30 days.

Step Out Buffalo homepage
During your selected timeframe your Deal will be featured on our homepage for 1 week under “ongoing deals”. Our homepage gets roughly 300K visitors a month.

Step Out Buffalo Facebook boosted shares
If your campaign includes additional Deal promotions, your Deal listing will be shared on our Facebook page, which has nearly 150,000 followers, and boosted for $10.

Step Out Buffalo Email shares
If your campaign includes an additional Deal Promo Bundle, your Deal listing will be included in our Monday or Friday email newsletter under “More Fun Stuff section and in the “Deals of the Week” dedicated section of our Tuesday email. Currently the Step Out Buffalo email newsletter is sent to 60,000+ subscribers.

Promoted Deal Listings: Results & What To Expect
While results can vary, Promoted Deal Listings will generally reach between 4,000 and 8,000 people on Facebook. Our email newsletter generally received 7,000-10,000 opens per email. Total pageviews on a Promoted Deal Listing can range from 100 to 1,000 and largely depends on how good of an offer the Deal is.
Promoted Deal Listings: Fulfillment
Your Step Out Buffalo coordinator will contact you for an image and a description of what you’d like to offer as your Deal. Examples of Promoted Deal Listings may include but are not limited to a promo code on your website, free item with purchase, and BOGO’s.
On the Deal listing you can specify how readers can redeem the deal, discount, or special (i.e. mention Step Out Buffalo or use promo code SOB10) along with any terms and conditions. A Deal does not have to be unique to Step Out Buffalo and can be something you are already offering but would like to promote further. Your listing will be sent to you before we publish and you will be able to edit the Deal at anytime by emailing your coordinator.
The client is responsible for providing any and all images for their post, and all advertisers must have the rights to the images provided. Promoted Deal Listing title images cannot have text overlays (like a flyer) because Facebook does not allow images with text to be boosted.
Typically, “organic” Deal listing images will get the most reach on both our website and on Facebook. Images we’ve seen preform well include product shots, customers enjoying themselves, the venue/space of the business, or images from a previous year’s event. Low quality or blurry images will not perform well, so the higher the resolution the better.
If you have any questions regarding which images to use or which will yield the best results please consult your campaign coordinator.